An iridescent piece of sea glass tumbling through time lures a young girl to her destiny and sets the stage for this Cape Cod tale. The story takes place in the late 19th century, and revolves around a sea captain’s encounter with a young woman named Faustina Limbough from the West Indies. Along with creating her shell art known as Sailor’s Valentines, she is a soothsayer who can ‘see’ the future. Although she does not share her visions with anyone, she uses her knowledge to help the captain and his family navigate through their paradoxical journeys of love, loss, and redemption.
The characters in this story represent the melting pot of colors and cultures which has always been a part of Cape Cod’s history. They include a Mayflower descendant, a Native Wampanoag, a West Indian, an ex-slave from Africa, and and a gay couple with Cape Verdean and Irish roots. This tale incorporates the rich blend of multi-culturalism that symbolizes the acceptance and inclusion we proudly embrace here on Cape Cod.